About Us

Hi, I'm Sarah! I live in Midwest, USA and I run this toy store using manufactures in USA/Canda from Spocket and DropCommerce. I'm a teacher, with an eye on entrepreneurship and toys that promote creativity and imagination. 

Your Storybook Toys provides toys and products to bring your little one joy and promote their imagination and development as they start their life stories and learn through play.

Do you want to hear a quick story about me?

Once upon a time there was a little girl that spent her days reading stories filled with valor and courage. Her stories had heros and heroines that displayed kindness, curiosity, and bravery. 

The little girl would tell stories with her dolls and toys- stories that imitated the traits of the characters in the stories she loved.

When this little girl grew up, she became a teacher. What a joy to help others find a love for stories and discover life lessons! She realized that many of her students were screen kids, or Ipad kids- truly missing out on the real life imaginative play she remembered.

You know, of course, that little girl was me. I knew I wanted to continue encouraging children to play and dream, and learn and grow, so I started this toy store, filled with real toys meant to produce a quality of play that creates memories and stimulates imagination (which incidentally is phenomenal for children's brain development :)

Why Storybook Toys matters: 
Learning through play is not a myth- it is a necessary part of child development! Let's bring back real play (not screentime).

Please feel free to email me at yourstorybooktoys@gmail.com for questions, or if you would like to say hi!